Tuesday, October 23, 2012

TN Visit Part I...

A little while back Southwest had a one day sale of select round-trip tickets 50% off, so the boys and I took advantage and got to fly home to TN for 3 weeks!  We went home September 11-October 2nd.  The boys were in Heaven there and never wanted to leave, although they totally turned into little monsters the last week of our trip, so sadly I was ready to come home and have Cameron take over :)
Cade took it upon himself to climb onto Gampa's shoulders and sit there for a while.  Cousin Knox called and talked to them for a while.  Here they are saying, "habba babba."  A phrase they came to know and love thanks to my daddy.

I finally got to meet my new little nephew Rocky, my twin brother's, Dallas', first kid.

Cousin Kayleen was around a lot, she was like their little shadow, she followed them around everywhere they went.

The kids did lots of crafts while there...

but w/ crafts comes mess, and yes, that's right, I made Connor clean up his own mess :)

The boys love wearing their blankies as capes, and of course b/c they were Kayleen had to have a cape too.

They ran around the house and jumped off the couch like this for a good while.

Aunt Leah

The boys had to miss 3 weeks of preschool, but luckily their teacher was nice enough to put together all their missed work and art projects before leaving.  This was one of their art pieces.

This is what happens when I leave my camera lying around :)

More to come....