Sunday, November 27, 2011

My Lil' Toothless Wonder

Remember this post?  At the end it told you all about Connor's loose tooth.  Well...

This would be the last day, Friday, Nov. 4th, Connor would ever be seen w/ two front teeth (at least for a few years) because of...

this little guy!  Cade was mad at Connor for something and decided to throw his sippy cup at Connor's face.  Connor began to cry and...

this is what I found.  Blood was dripping and Connor's tooth was nearly knocked out.

We could push and back and forth completely :(  Connor couldn't stop playing with it with his tongue.  I knew it had to be pulled.  Cameron got home soon after this incident happened to I made him try and pull it.  He tried for a while but couldn't get it out.  For some reason something was still holding it in.  But, I was too afraid that Connor would go to sleep and choke on his tooth.  So, I took over...w/ tears in my eyes (ok I might've been sobbing), I finally pulled it out.

I was so sad!  My poor little guy will now have to go toothless for a few years.  But, w/ this b/c Connor could care less, hardly even notices. haha  Whenever asked about it, Cade steps up and takes credit for the missing tooth.  I feel bad for both of them, Cade felt so bad that he knocked the tooth out.  Poor guy, he'll have to live w/ the guilt.  Anyways, introducing my toothless 2 1/2 year old!!

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