Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ginger Bread House Contest '08

Last Saturday our friends, Lindsey and Joe, had us and 3 other couples came over for a ginger bread house making "contest." We actually did this with them last year too, but w/ only one other couple. I think Joe had been looking forward to this day since last year when we made the houses. haha We actually didn't use ginger bread, we used graham crackers, just in case y'all were wondering. It was a lot of fun. We didn't actually end up having a winner b/c Joe's mom said she liked them all for different reasons. So you can pick if you want.

This is everyone that participated in the "contest." Back row L to R: Geoff (Cam's brother) and Erin, Bill (Cameron and Joe's friend from WA) and his wife and 1 year old son, Eric (Joe's friend from high school) and his wife and 5 month old daughter. Front row L to R: Joe, Lindsey and their 6 week old son Gabe and finally Me, Cameron and Caden (6 months old).

These guys were friends in Washington. They wanted to take a picture w/ each other and their babies.

Bill and his family had to leave early, so this is what they could get done w/ their house before they left. It was actually pretty amazing.

This is all of us after we finally finished our houses. (Just in case you were wondering, the blue one is a Y for BYU) So, which one do you think is the best?

A closer up picture. You can click on it to see it bigger if you want.

Us w/ our finished house. What do you think? I ended up making it like a log cabin.

Cade kept trying to grab it.

This is the top view of our house. The black stuff is "smoke" (licorice) coming out of the chimney.

1 comment:

Carly said...

Looks like such a fun night. Great idea. I think yours is the winner--with the log cabin look and all!