Tuesday, April 24, 2012

March Catch-up

At the beginning of March we got one of the bigger snow storms of the season.  One of the only times the boys got to play in it.  This was Connor making and throwing tiny snow balls.

One of our many trips to the Dino Museum.

I couldn't resist taking a picture of this little cutie!  I thought he looked so cute.  This was my first tie I attempted to make before starting to sale them.

I bought the boys a couple of kites from the dollar store last year and the boys kept finding them (still in the package) and asked if they could fly them.  Finally one day I said we could for Family Home Evening that night.  They loved every second of it!  This was the only time we got to fly the kites though, sadly they didn't last past that night, I guess you get what you pay for.

One of the only times we actually got the kite off the ground.  A couple of weeks later I got the nicest compliment from a lady in our ward.  She said I am such a cute fun mom, I was a little thrown back and asked what she was talking about.  She said I'm always doing fun things w/ my boys!  I was still confused so I asked her to clarify.  She gave me the example of how I took the boys outside to fly kites!  haha I then had to explain to her that that was the one and only time those specific kites were flown, due to breaking.  But, wow, nice compliment right?!

Connor's way to eat a hamburger.

Saturday, March 24th, Cameron's mom Nancy came to visit us.  She of course got to work on our flower garden for us :)  She has the greenest thumb I've ever seen.  Sadly we don't have that.

While we were pulling weeds Connor had a great time playing w/ his bike...

and this neighbor kid came over and Connor tries his hardest to keep up w/ everything he did on his big bike.  It was so cute!  The big kid would ride his bike up the hill and little Connor was right behind him on his, suddenly yards ahead the older kid would turn around and fly down the hill.  So, of course Connor would turn right in his own tracks and fly down the hill as well, trying to do any bike trick the older kid did.  He kept saying, "I'm playing w/ my fwiend Mommy!"

Later that night Cam's sister, Stacie, came to stay a  couple of nights.  Sunday we had a great time just hanging out until 1:00 church started.  The boys loved having their cousins over, especially Jackson.

After church we had Cam's older Bro. Dave and his family over so we could all have dinner together.  We put a kid table out on our deck.

Phones w/ games were a huge hit w/ the kids.

Cassidy, she is the cutest little girl!  I couldn't resist putting this picture up.

Everybody: Cameron, Dave, Lisa, Cassidy Mason, Stacie, Ellie (in front) Chloe, Grandma, Clair, Lexy, Me Jackson and Connor.  I think Cade was somewhere off to the right refusing to get in the picture.

The girls :)  They thought it'd be fun to both get on my back.  Stacie was a little worried that I was holding them together, b/c actually this was the day we announced to the fam I was pregnant!  We had a great time w/ everyone, we were sad to see them go so early the next morning.


Janel said...

Britt, I am loving your hair color! Your so nice to host Cam's family, it looks like ya'll had a great time!

I can't wait to see you in August, I am really hoping I get to stay with you at least one night.

benjaminnleslie said...

Hey girl! I'm itchin' for some pregnancy updates from you! :)