I have so much to blog about. I have all of last month and this month. After my birthday my family visited me for Dallas's graduation then I went to girls camp and now I'm here in TN visiting the
fam for Dallas and my cousin, Robby's, weddings. I feel like I have been on the GO like crazy! I will be doing a lot of catching up when I get home, I'm here until the 24
th though.
Anyways, I was finally catching up on friend's blogs when I decided I should do a little post of what I was up to. My Daddy is in the hospital right now w/ Kidney stones so I am "teen" sitting and have a little extra time on my hands. Daddy has had a horrible kidney stone for over 5 weeks now and finally couldn't take the pain anymore so he took himself to the emergency room finally today. They said the stone was something like 1cm and so way too big to pass. They are still waiting to figure out what is going to happen w/ it all.
Anyways, just thought I'd do a little update. Oh, and I am loving my visit here, just sad Cameron couldn't come w/ me and the boys :(