This year Valentine's day was on a Saturday. Since Cameron and I have been together Valentines has never fallen on a Sat. Usually I have been at work all day and I get to come home to a big surprise, the house clean, a trail of candy leading to my gift and a dinner made (if we decided not to go out to eat). It was a lot of fun to come home to. This year I was looking forward to doing something like that but realized I couldn't surprise him b/c he would already be home. Anyways...Saturday morning Cade decides to wake up early so I get him and took him into the living room so Cameron could sleep in longer. While he was still asleep Cade and I wrote in our cards to give to Cameron. (I obviously had to help Cade out a little) Then, I snuck into the bedroom and put my card and a small box of chocolates and Cades card with a Reese's peanut butter heart next to Cameron in bed. I finally had to go back in and wake him up because I had to start getting ready for a primary activity that morning, if you didn't know I am now the 2nd counselor in the Primary presidency, it's a lot of fun :). So, Cameron opened up his gifts, I got ready and left Cade with Cameron. The activity went great! When I came home there was a beautiful bouquet of Tulips, a yummy box of chocolates and a nice card sitting on the table for me. I was so excited!

We then had a nice relaxing afternoon together while Cade took a nap. Then we got ready for our dinner date and left. We ended up going to Famous Dave's, which we have decided is one of our favorite restaurants now. We shared a full rack of ribs and had their yummy sides of corn bread, corn on the cob, fries and garlic mashed potatoes. It was sooo good, we got to eat the left overs the next day for lunch!
We also decided that we weren't going to buy individual gifts this year for each other and buy a surround sound system to share instead. We haven't gotten it yet, but hope to sometime. Do you know of any good deals out there?
So overall, we had a wonderful Valentine's day. It probably would've been nicer to go to dinner without Cade, although he really enjoyed the corn bread, but it was nice to just get out of the house. Thank you Cameron for a wonderful day, you're always so good at making these days special for me. I love you.