Monday, August 11, 2008

Cade's 2nd Month Check-up

Cade had his 2 month check-up today and got his first immunization shots. Above is a picture of him this evening w/ his band aids. When the nurse gave him his first shot, I thought for a split second he wasn't going to cry. Boy, was I wrong! He was just holding his breath until his face turned bright red. Finally he started screaming, and screaming and...well you get the picture. She did two more and then she was finally done. I felt so bad for him. I have never seen him cry like that before. Honestly, it made tears come to my eyes. I was embarrassed because the nurse had to ask if I was ok. I couldn't really get him to settle down until we left and walked by a waterfall outside. I thought hmmm...he likes listening to the shower, I bet he would love the waterfall too! I was right, it put him right to sleep. He continued to be a little fussy on and off for the rest of the day, hopefully he feels better tomorrow. Oh, a little side note: I found out he has acid reflux, which explains why I'm constantly swimming in spit up. The doctor prescribed medicine and hopefully his pain and vomiting will go away for good.

2 week check-up: 7.81 lbs 24%; 20.75 in 54%; head 14.6 in 48%
2 month check-up: 10.75 lbs 26%; 23.25 in 60%; head 15.7 in 48%

1 comment:

Megan, Peter, and Benjamin said...

That sucks! I always had to remind myself that the disease is worse than the prevention. That always made it a little easier to bare seeing my son screaming like that.

As for the spitting up...if you are comfortable I would suggest taking him to a chiropractor. I wasn't a fan of chiropractors until I took Benjamin to one. Benjamin has been known to have ear infections every time he had a cold so I took him to one just to see what would happen and sure enough, that time he didn't have an ear infection. It has been a little over a year since I have put him on antibiotics. And I have heard that some parents have taken their babies in with acid reflux and right after the first treatment, there was no spit up! It is just an idea, you don't have to do it...but I am one who doesn't like medicine for Benjamin so I thought I would give this holistic method a try. Good luck though, it is a gross way to have to parent, but it usually goes away after a while. Too bad I don't have stock in laundry detergent, I would send you some.