Thursday, November 20, 2008

I Have Been Tagged...thanks Stacie :)

1. Where is your cell phone? On the floor in front of me, usually near me.
2. Your significant other? Cameron, a wonderful husband and Father, he's fun too!
3. Your hair? Brown w/ blonde highlights, which should've been redone like 2 months ago. So brown roots. ugh
4. Your mother? Cheryl, a wonderful mom of 10 children, one of my best friends!
5. Your father? David, he is so hard working, always putting his family 1st.
6. Your favorite thing? My bed, Egyptian cotton 600 thread count and feather mattress, so comfy, I look forward to it each night!
7. Your dream last night? I think I might've been dreaming about Harry Potter all night, I've been reading the 4th book, I actually just finished it today! yay
8. Your favorite drink? I would have to say, just plain ol' water and then milk. I have also come to really like, Fresca.
9. Your dream/goal? I would love to learn how to play an instrument, piano, banjo (weird I know), violin, um....whatever. I also wanna become more crafty, make things for the house, and for others.
10. The room you're in? Livingroom
11. Your hobby? um, blogging, I have really started to enjoy reading, and I like trying new things to cook.
12. Your fear? Windows not covered at night, ugh!!!
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Somewhere that's not as expensive, as from UT, to go home to visit my family.
14. what you are not? Full of energy I guess
15. muffins? Are we counting calories? Um, what is this? 2 questions? Um, yeah I like muffins, and I am kind of watching my calories, not really counting.
16. one of your wish list items? a house!!!
17. Where you grew up? Tennessee mainly
18. The last thing you did? Um, read Stacie's blog, before the blogs I folded laundry and put them away.
19. What are you wearing? Um sadly, some pajama pants and an old High school drama shirt.
20. Favorite gadget? um a remote control, makes life a lot easier.
21. Your pets? Thank goodness I dont have any, and I don't want any for a while either.
22. your computer? I'm using a Compaq laptop right now, we also have a desk top, which we mainly only use for the printer now.
23. your mood? Um, tired, I'm sick and tired of Cade's new sleeping schedule! He sleeps for 2 hrs at a time, too many wake ups in one night. Just isn't working for me. And lately his naps are all short too, like 30min-1hr, so no breaks during the day either.
24. Missing someone? All my family that are in TN, :(
25. your car? '97 Honda Accord
26. something you are not wearing? socks or shoes.
27. Favorite store? I love Target
28. Like someone? um, I think I am a good mix of both of my parents, I can't say I am just like either of them though.
29. Your favorite color? Red and Pink, not together necessarily
30. When is the last time you laughed? Last night watching t.v., oh wait to Cade probably has made me laugh a lot today too.
31. Last time you cried? 2 nights ago probably, not balling though.
I tag Bonny, Lindsey, Janel and Carly


Jenny said...

I hear you! Sounds like Eli and Cade are teo in one. Eli NEVER really sleeps. He is the happiest kind but he never sleeps. Lindsey's little bundle sleeps all the time. I am so darn jealous!

How is the acid reflux? Is the Prevcid working?

I love tags. The are fun to find new things out about people!

Brittany said...

Cade's acid reflux is getting somewhat better. But, that's me saying that right after Cade spitting up all over my hair, shirt and down it. ugh. But, overall, I really don't think he spits up as much as he used to. I just can't wait til he gets over it completely. So, the prevacid seems to be working. Eli and Cade sure do seem to be a lot alike!