Monday, June 16, 2008

Caden Vincent's Arrival 6/9/08 3:25 p.m.

So much for a week of relaxation and last minute preparations before the baby's arrival...
Brittany started feeling back contractions around 11:00 p.m. Sunday night 6/8/08. She didn't think a lot about the pain until she turned to go to sleep around 11:45 and the pain continued. She started counting down for an hour and was having contractions every 5 minutes. Cameron and Brittany decided they should get their last minute packing ready and leave for the hospital. (Above is a picture of Cameron and Brittany about to leave.) They were on their way around 1:00 a.m. and arrived at the hospital at 1:30. Brittany was dialated to a 2 on arrival and because of her pain the doctor decided to have her stay. Around 7:00 she was finally given an epidural and soon after the doctor came in and broke her water. She continued to progress slowly until around 12:40 (which was supposed to be her 39 week check-up with the doctor) she was fully dialated. The doctor came in and told her to let contractions push the baby down for an hour. The nurse came in after an hour and had Brittany push for another hour. The doctor was called back in around 3:00 and Caden decided to join us at 3:25 p.m. (Exactly a week early) After getting color back into his skin and being cleaned off Cameron and Brittany found out that they had given birth to a very handsome baby boy, 7 lbs. 1 oz, 20 inches. They are both very excited to have Caden Vincent Long join their family!

Brittany was on the phone with her mom and sister, Bonny, the whole time keeping them updated on all the adventures of her labor. Neither one of them got any sleep that night because of the excitement of Caden's arrival.

Caden, soon after his arrival, wondering what in the world is going on, "Where am I?"

The proud daddy holding Caden while mommy was being cleaned up.

Brittany finally getting to hold her new baby for the 1st time around 3:45 p.m. A very excited mommy!

Look at all that hair!!! I love it, I just hope it doesn't fall out or go lighter.

Here's all our family and friends that came to visit. Lisa(Sister-in-law), Mason, Dave (Cam's brother) Ellie, Joe and Lindsey (our friends), Nancy and Steve (Cameron's Parents), Cade, Cameron, and Brittany.


Carly said...

So glad to hear all went so smoothly. You guys look so happy--especially to finally have him in your arms. Congratulations.

Lauren Thompson said...

congratulations! your baby is so cute! we miss you, mrs. long!

love madeline and alyssa

Srudd said...

He's so cute! I can't wait to meet him this week. So fun! Cute blog Britt!