I love Christmas morning with my family. Walking down the stairs to see the beautiful Christmas tree w/ all the many presents under it, it just makes me happy! Here are the pics from Christmas day...
Presents and stockings for everyone!
Our little family, the boys in their Christmas pjs.
Everyone opening their gifts.
This was Cade's attitude all morning. He was so grouchy!
We had Christmas dinner at Bonny and Chad's house. We had tons of food and fun. My Grandma, Uncle Jacky, his wife Shannon and daughter Aubrey also came.
Hunter sporting his bling he got from Santa.
Bonny and our cousin Aubrey.
Grandma with Aubrey and Connor. They are a couple of months apart.
The kids table.
If you look closely you can see Owen's face in the cat door, haha.
Me tickling Connor, he laughs so funny. Actually, I'm going to put a video of his laugh up later.
Christmas evening, my family!