Friday, April 30, 2010

Connor's 1st Haircut!!

Last Saturday we took the boys to get their pictures made b/c I had a free coupon. Anyways, I decided it was time to give my baby his 1st haircut, you know for the pictures. His hair was so long on top, like a Mohawk, and really short everywhere else...well all except for the really long stragglers growing everywhere. I actually cut his hair! All by myself!
Here are some before shots...

Here we go...he did not like getting his hair cut at all!

He wanted to kill me, that or Cameron for taking so many pictures. But seriously, isn't that an evil death stare?

Cade of course was very involved. He actually had no idea he was next to get his hair cut.

He's finished, or pretty much I gave up on was hard to get all the stragglers.

After his bath.

"What? Me, cute?"

No, he knows he looks good ;)

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