Wednesday, December 16, 2009

6 and 18 Month Check-ups

This picture has nothing to do with the boy's check-up, but I love it! Cade can't get enough of the snow, so occasionally I'll let him go out by himself on our deck and then put Connor in front of the sliding glass door so they can watch each other. Cade has a blast out there and Connor loves watching whatever Cade is doing. This is him coming to the door and knocking on it to say hi to Connor, it's so cute when he does this!

Cade is growing up so fast! I can't believe he's 18 months old! Last week I got to take the boys to their check-ups together because well their 6 and 18 month b-day were a day apart! Oh, he loves sitting in this swing!

Cade's Stats:
18 months - 20.94 lbs 2%; 31.5 in 27%; head 19.1 in 71%
15 months - 20.19 lbs 4%; 31 in 47%; head 18.9 in 74%
12 months - 19.4 lbs 7%; 29.72 in 49%; head 18.9 in 90%
9 months - 17.5 lbs 8%; 29 in 76%; head 18.3 in 83%
6 months - 14.94 lbs 9%; 26.25 in 34%; head 17.5 in 65%
4 months - 13.75 lbs 19%; 25.75 in 71%; head 16.9 in 63%
2 months - 10.75 lbs 26%; 23.25 in 60%; head 15.7 in 48%
2 weeks - 7.81 lbs 24%; 20.75 54%; head 14.6 in 48%

So, as you can see, the last few months he hasn't grown very much at all! His doctor still wants him to be on his high calorie diet to fatten up. He's certainly our little guy, and we love him!

Cade has had a runny nose for a few months now, diaper rashes on and off all the time, eczema and acid reflux. Due to all of this the doctor started thinking maybe he has some kind of allergies, she was thinking most likely dairy allergies. So, I took him in the next day to a wonderful allergist to be tested. To test these allergies the nurse scraped at his back in several different places and actually put the content (for whatever was being tested, like cats, dairy, nuts etc.) on it. The bottom right one was something that everyone should react to, so this is what they compared the others to to see if he was allergic to any of them. It ended up being that, no, he's not allergic to anything, thank goodness! So, he gave me prescriptions for ointments and medicine for his skin and runny nose problems.

Connor is seriously getting soo big! Everything went well for him at the doctor, he's doing great! He is such a smiley little guy, we just love him.

(This rattle is probably his new favorite toy right now)
Connor's Stats:
6 months - 18.63 lbs 72%; 28 in 93%; head 17.3 in 58%
4 months - 16.63 lbs 76%; 26.5 in 90%; head 17.3 in 58%
2 months - 12.69 lbs 66%; 23.75 in 72%; head 15.7 in 42%
2 weeks - 7.69 lbs 20%; 20.5 in 42%; head 14.2 in 27%

So, where he came from, we have no idea! These boys are total opposites, I just can't believe how different they are in size and personality. We love these boys so much, they've got such fun personalities.


Erika said...

Connor is so big!! I love the picture where he is smiling! You've got some cute little boys in your life.
Oh, and THANK YOU! You know for what.. ;)

Chad & Bonny Day said...

That is pretty interesting how they do the allergy tests! Connor looks SOOOO different! Gosh, it makes me sad!

Dana Scarbrough said...

This is crazy how they're almost the same weight! hehe