Monday, August 17, 2009

Yes or NO!

So, yes or no?! Should I give into peer pressure and do it? Should I chop my hair off? I mean, I know something needs to be done w/ my hair, it's so unhealthy right now, but should I completely chop it off or just give it a trim? It took me a loooong time to get my hair at the length that it's at now. But, I never do anything w/ it, I either pull it up or just straighten it, I don't know how to make hair look cute. Oh is my hair long enought to donate? Cameron has mentioned to me a few times recently that he thinks I should cut my hair short again. I cut it short for the 1st time in my life, at least since I can remember, when we first got married. I liked it, but I regretted it and missed my long hair. I know I will again, but I want to do something. Below are 2 pictures of my hair from that time.

So what do you think? Should I do it or not? I would want to add some blonde highlights though. How do you think I should do it? Any suggestions?! Please let me know, I want to do it soon.

Here is a picture I found of short hair, I think it's dang cute. I was thinking maybe this would work? (Not that blonde though)
*I looked it up, I cannot donate my hair b/c it is bleached (highlighted). If it had only been dyed then it would've been ok. Too bad...


Lisa said...

I think you should cut your hair! It's funny...that's the same picture I found on the internet when I got my haircut. I brought it in for the lady to look at. It is a cute haircut! I think you'd love how short hair feels. It's so nice, especially in the hot weather. DO IT!

Lisa said...

By the way, I think you definitely have enough hair to donate. I think it needs to be at least 10 inches.

Chad & Bonny Day said...

I agree with Lisa, and I think you should get your hair not quite that blonde, but almost. I'm thinking about cutting my hair too, and getting it that Wow!! DO IT DO IT DO IT!! It will always grow back!!

Dani said...

short hair rocks on you but i love you as a dark brunette. you are gorgeous

Carly said...

I say cut it too! I think you would look great with blond and caramel highlights in there too! Can't wait too see what you decide!

Lindsey said...

Yes you should!! I like it better short. I have been telling you that for a long time. So I would totally vote YES!!

Merideth Sullivan said...

I don't think you can donate your hair if it has been colored. That is a cute picture. I do love your hair long but I totally know how it is when you want a change.

Janel said...

I'm always a fan of short hair, so my vote is yes! I think it would look way cute on you. I can hardly remember your hair being short, but the pictures it looks cute!

Dana Scarbrough said...

I say a bigg fat NO to peer pressure- but it kind of sounds like you would like to, so if that's true, you should do it! Most people regret it, but if you get a style (that pic is super cute and would look great on you) that you love then it will be worth it!

Erika said...

CUT YOUR HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I actually just chopped off all my hair a few days ago and I love it!! I even got blonde highlights too. I like the change and it's much easier to take care of. The pictures of you with short hair are really cute. You look younger.